Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Art Supplies K-8

"Art washes away from our souls the dust of everyday life," a beautiful quote by one of our featured artists last year, Pablo Picasso. That quote is quite appropriate now as we all try to shake the dust of Summer's carefree days from our noggins, eh? I think so. Anyways... my first post this year will pertain to school supplies K-8. As I was looking over the school supply lists to post here, I noticed that a quantity was missing for the Jr. High supplies of #2 pencils . Please note the supplies and quantities for each grade and the additional supplies that Jr. High will need.

Kindergarten-Box of baby wipes or baby wipe refill
1st-2 black fine point Sharpies
2nd-2 black fine point Sharpies
3rd-2 ULTRA fine black Sharpies
4th-2 Silver Sharpies
5th-2 1"rolls of masking tape
Jr. High (6th-8th) -12 #2 pencils

These supplies are community property. You do not need to label them with your name.

Jr.High-(6th-8th) An 8"x 11" HARDBACK non spiral sketchbook. (7th & 8th can reuse last years only if it is HARDBACK). These can be purchased at Barnes and Noble or United Art and Education. They should not cost more than $10 and will be used for all three years of Jr. High.

1 Pocket folder

Please note that sometimes there are projects that will call for other very specific supplies. These would be the cost of photo processing and/or other various things. Outside of photo processing , I will never assign a student to acquire an item(s) that goes beyond $5.00. More often I will ask for items that are recycled or discarded, such as plastic bottles, cereal boxes, shoe boxes, missing socks, etc...

If you have any questions please feel free to email me.

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