Monday, August 23, 2010

8th Grade Homework-Due 8/26

Welcome Back.
The Project is called "Sign of the Times."

Your assignment (10 points) for Thurs., 8/26 is to:

1) Write an original quote or motto* that inspires you and others toward a goal for the year.

*Make it positive (no negative messages)-think INSPIRATIONAL.

2) Brainstorm images that illustrate your quote/motto.

3)Make a full page sketch (design fills the page edge to edge to edge to edge-make it edgey!)
using no more than 3 colors + black & white that combines your text with the image(s) in a clever way. You don't have to use b/w but no more than 3 colors. IN SKETCHBOOK. 2 points off for not being in sketchbook.

Remember what we discussed in class-No cliches, grab the viewer attention, make it legible, consider your audience.